Connect Four
Made a simple website (hosted by heroku) for users who want to play connect four! Log in through Facebook and challenge your friends! Game states are saved between every two users.
Made a simple website (hosted by heroku) for users who want to play connect four! Log in through Facebook and challenge your friends! Game states are saved between every two users.
Made a simple website (hosted by heroku) for users who want to capture Pokemon, view your own and other trainers' Pokemon, damage/destory other trainers' Pokemon, and create your own new Pokemon
Created a representation of a Database. This project is split into three different parts. The first part deals with indexes: I made a B+ Tree data structure to store records. The second part deals with join algorithms and query optimization. The last part deals with transactions.
In Logisim, I made a 32-bit, 2-stage pipelined CPU. This CPU is compatible with machine code output and instructionals including j and jal.
The project was inspired by Google Maps: I wrote the back end and made graphics to the front end of the project. There are two major components to the project: rastering, the process of converting query requests into bit-mapped, pixel-by-pixel images, and routing, drawing the distance between two locations.
This project simulates the motion of N objects in a plane. As demonstrated by Newton's Law of Universal Gravitation, N objects mutually affect every other object through gravitational force.
For this project, I implemented a basic text editor that can be used to open, edit, and save my text files. My favorite part of this project was learning how to implement selection. I also learned from this project that even something simple to use can be quite a challenge!
Percolation is a very interesting theory and I suggest to you that you should take a look at this project to find out more about it!
Many languages are the byproducts in implementation decisions in interpreters and compilers. Here, I developed an interpreter for most of features you can find for the Scheme language.
The project was inspired by PopCap Games' Plants vs. Zombies. I created a tower defense as I populate my colony with the bravest ants I can ever create... My ants are able to throw leaves at the bees until they are all vanquished.